Tuesday, December 9, 2008

so long oredi eh?

hermmm... dah lame dah aku x tulis blog. persoalannya sekarang, mengapa? why oni why?

inilah jwpnnye...

stelah seberapa ketika, aku terpikir. aku hanya memblog ketika aku rasa lonely. yes, l.o.n.e.l.y. when i feel sad, emotional breakdown or whenever i feel the earth is turning its back on me, i think i have to write something to ease my pain. setelah aku mengecapi extreme happiness, i will leave this website alone. i dint even touched my lappytop for so long. thats me. aku mudah lupa. aku juga xkan melupakan. diri aku sgt susah. sgt komplikasi untuk dimengerti.

sekarang aku sedang menulis. tp adakah aku kesunyian? oh, this time the answer is no. i'm not lonely, i have my enuar with me, i have my sisters, i kinda have everything. see, im complicated. i cant tell myself who i really am.

today is 10th of december. i have been at home for 10 days now since i resigned 10 days ago. so i hv another 19 days to submit my thesis. i finished none. i havent started any. im doomed. shit.
and about fie, my dearie friend, she has lost so much weight! im jealous. ini sumenye disebabkan oleh keaktifan beliau yang seringkali ke gymnasuim. if only i have much money like her. she told me she had lost 2 kg!!! demmit. so i have another 19 days before the class starts. okay, this is my target; within 19 days, i will work my ass off! i will run run and run and lose 1 kg each day. so, i will lose 19 kgs in 19 days! hell yeah!!!
i'll be slimmer than this

money. why do we need money to live? i spent a lot though i gained hard to get money. money is just like water. bila dah dpt gaji nnti, i thought i wanna go shopping with my enuar. but here's my things-to-pay list (demmit!!!)
-duit braces rm100
-intenet rm150 (for 2 months)
-utang kaklang rm100
-umah sewa rm150

TOTAL rm500. gosh. i havent married but these are things that i need to pay at a young, delicate age. shopping? lupakan.

1 comment:

ZLC said...

aku pon nk kurus!
go atkins! ahahah!