yup guess wat. i got fever again. again and again. sejak july smpai la august, i've been attacked by fever for 5 times. i think i wanna sign up for guinness book of record. the doc was surprised when she looked at her record in the pc. last time when she took my blood, the computer said my blood was infected by bacteria. when asked how did i get the bloody bacteria, the doc said i got it from the environment. chit! unhealthy klang! i knew it. anyway, at d clinic, the doc said this time i got d bacteria from my students. she said kids have many bacterias. thank u my fellow students.
but this time my fever sgt sgt la mnyakitkan. pertama, kesakitan bdn yg teramat sgt. my nose is like a pipe. mucus pipe. penuh dgn hingusan yg cair dan memerlukan jumlah kuantiti tissue yg sgt byk. i hate flu!!!!@!! demmit. and secondly, not just body, but i feel mentally hurt. tiba2 dlm kedemaman ini aku terasa amat sunyi. sunyi kalini bknlah mnyedihkan. sunyi ni terasa memedihkan lg mnyakitkan. adakah aku lemah? atau wanita mmg lemah? i dont think so. i have to put my ego higher than i can. i feel stupid. i feel like shouting. but no one listen. more stupid! fuck!
so cuti ni i have to makan all the pills. and the doc gave me a supply of vitamin for one whole month. and i hv 2 finish up antibiotics without fail slalunye aku dpt augmentin sekotak. but this time the pills are more besar dan keras! the name is co-amoxiclav. tp smlm aku dah skip. xmkn ubat lgsg. lantakla. malas la. haha.
didnt enjoy my holidays. slain dari pg gamelan, i went to makan2 with kaklang. thats it. nape xde sape ajak aku tgk muvi? ajak aku jln2? bende2 yg aku suke? nape ego sgt? i know ur heart is empty. its ok. i understand. blame it on me. haha. fuck. i hate this life.
cut me to bleed!
end it now.
aku masih ade kewarasan.
dan keimanan.

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