the day was friday, 29th August when i and my band members (amer, hanif, umar, danial and najwan) performed for the merdeka day celebration in High School Klang. after about two weeks of practise, all the boys played guitar except for danial who was the vocalist. the song to be prented was warisan by allahyarham sudirman and standing in the eyes by ella. and guess the purpose of me on the stage sitting in the middle of the boys? jeng jeng jeeeng..
yup, i was a tambourine player. a professional-teacher-with-attitude tambourine player. too bad i haven't gotten the pictures of me performing on stage since the camera was Nad's. gotta steal from her later.
what's more worst was that, i accidetally, stupidly, idiotly deleted all the videos in my cam! what the hell??? what was i thinking? how can i get back the videos when i deleted through my own cam? god, what made me so stupid! that's the only valuable memories for in so far... the students told me that never in history a teacher would perform with students on stage (unlike my previous school. the teachers were sporting enough to participate in karaoke competition, this school.. nah)
demit. demmit demmit!!!
this is the only pic from my cam. sigh...
*avril, u rock!*29th august!*
hey ladies and gentlemen. for ages i requested for the dear donators to give me free Avril tix. but it seemed like no one understands me, no one loves me for didn't give me free tix. i think i'm a lil bit emotional right now. ok let's move on to my story. i bought the tix a day before the concert. i decided to go alone because my friends were so busy with their own life. (thank u yana and amal, u guys un-rock)
so i and my lovable, huggable, kissable, jokeable (?) dear boy friend to accompany me to buy the tix in Galaxy office in Mid Valley after school. since he didn't know much about Avril, i told her about my decision, which was, to go alone to the concert, but to let him to send me to the concert and to ask him again to pick me up after the concert has finished. that was an idea. a brilliant one, i think. he agreed. (i don't wanna let him follow cuz i'm afraid whether he'll be bored since didn't know Avril's songs)
when we almost entered the office, he suddenly changed his mind and decided to go too. i said, "it's okay, babe. u don't want and don't have to go, i know. u didn't even know Avril like i do". then he replied, "but i'm concern with your safety there. i don't want u to go alone. plus, i know Avril songs too... like Sk8er Boi, Complicated, What goes Around Comes Around..."
attention: WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND is not from Avril. It's Alicia Keys'... huh..
my crazy boyfriend finally bought the tix too. yey!!! i'm not alone!!! love yah! mwahx!
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