yep. after 7 boring days spending at home during holidays doing nothing (other than gamelan practices), my friends finally invited me to go somewhere, which is, MAHA 2008. so i told kaklang about it. i said, "hey tomorrow i and my friends are going to MAHA. what is MAHA eh?" my sis laughed and explained. now i know, it's about selling and testing good foods. yummy! i love foods. cp smsed me and planned to go early in the morning. the message from her was something like this,
"8.30 a.m. kene ade kat umah aku yeh. tanak pg lmbt sgt nnti jam. ramai org!" i thought, sombong nya. mcm la die tu bleh bgn. haha. so i replied and promised to be there as planned.
so, this morning, my mum prepared me a burger before i went to cp's house. deliciousss! then after a few moments of lagging, i took my things and got out of the house at 8.20 am. then i picked up afiq at his house. then we drove again to cp's house. then i parked in front of cp's. then guess what happened? yerp that's right! cp didn't even wake up yet. cp mmg camtu. after a few minutes of "pujuk", asked her to take a bath and bersiap2, she the finished everything at 930. we drove off to bangi to picked fatin pulak.
and then we arrived. the whether was pretty hot! like walking in the oven. (tibe2 terpk psl neraka plak. astaga. ape aku mrepek ni.) we then took the tram and went to the park. we bought sunglasses too! hot hot hot! the goats and cows smelt so unhealthy to my nose.
(unhealthy means super stinky.) then we went to few stalls nearby. all of us, which are cp, afiq, fatin and me bought a hotdog! it was indescribably tasty! rugi kaklang tak ikot. hoho.
we then ate everything that is sold there. three of us even ate lamb burger made by real lamb. although the burger dah sejok atas sebab yg tak diketahui, i still ate the lamb burger graciously. the burger cost me rm3.50.
ok the last part of this story wasn't sound that good. feel like not talking about it. this is all because of that makcik who gave us wrong information (but my friends put the blame on me!!! demmit!!!! haha!) MAHA has two entrances. pintu 1 and pintu 2 are far from each other. we parked at pintu 2. however, when we were in tram (standing tiredly!), i knew that i should have not go down there as i was a little bit clueless but the makcik told us that this is pintu 2, the pitstop where we should go down. so without hesitation, i asked my friends to stop here. only when the tram has far left us, we suddenly realized that this is not the exact pit stop! can u imagine? we have to queue again, and not it's raining, and we had to berebut2 the tram mcm org gila. yikes!
p/s:- my dearest beloved friends are still blaming me on this. hate u.
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